Caldoresco Castle - Vasto

The castle's history is closely linked to the figure of James Caldora, the captain who in 1439 took control of the city, its fortification with the renewal of the fortification walls and upgrade to new defensive systems. The fort was to implant on a previous building, which in turn rested on its foundation walls that formed the northern entrance of the Roman amphitheater of Histonium and are still clearly visible from the basement of the building. The original building was probably a rectangular plan, like the present, but smaller, with four cylindrical towers at the corners and another major tower in the center of the courtyard. In 1439 the fortress was transformed and strengthened by angular bastions large almond-shaped and strengthened by thicker curtains.
On the western side of the urban area which includes the castle is now possible to observe how the defense system of the city walls and towers are full of Bassano, the Holy Spirit and the Moro Diomede, as a result of altered plant fifteenth successive elevations.
Following the destruction suffered by the population of Vasto during the riots of the fifteenth century, the castle was substantially restructured at the end of that century by Innico d'Avalos, who planned many of the speeches have given the building its present appearance: he I rebuilt the 4 ramparts, moats and derive the tower you see to the north.
The restoration work carried out by d'Avalos, although crude, primitive respected architectural lines, giving the building a certain continuity until 1816, date to be remembered as the beginning of a relentless distortion of the entire building. New construction of a completely different style, in fact, is tied to the structure gradually, to make up the western side virtually unrecognizable. Today the fort is a monument presents itself as "schedules", with the Aragonese ramparts that surround the nucleus of Anjou and previous additions and exterior elevations, started in the eighteenth century, which gradually deprived of its use and therefore the structure of its military aspect, in order to adapt to new residential functions.
MAFALDA (CB) - Historical

Ripalta on Trigno: The town had that name to be placed on a hill of height m. 436, a short distance from Trigno. Angevin era (1266-1442) was called "Trespaldum". Remained unoccupied in the first half of the fifteenth century and flourished in the second half of that century, the involvement of Evoli, their feudal lords, who called the Slavic lands to cultivate. With R.D. of 1903 was changed from its old name "Ripalta on Trigno" in actual Mafalda, in homage to the princess of the same name (second daughter of Vittorio Emanuele III).
The country shows its medieval origins. They differ in the sequence of common building the church of St. Andrew the Apostle and the Palace Juliani. Of great artistic value only the bells and the bronze door of the church. The first inhabitants of Ripalta can be traced back to 'the twelfth century. In Contrada Colle Trasole where it is assumed there was built a Roman villa inhabited and running in time. Then the Ripalta territory was covered by a dense forest, and these farmlands were a priority with the water resource. At the time, to cultivate the land, they preferred to choose the land near the river bed, and for the presence of water and the quality of that land which was very easy to work; contrary, it was necessary to make clearing the arable land. Given the limited equipment at the time, saw the very hard work to be used and the lack of laborers, who at the time for these jobs were scarce (the men, in fact, were engaged in many battles of that period), because of all these reasons, we always sought that land where everything was already present in nature. The latter rich and much of the support occurred naturally through the game, everything the forest offered in abundance, together with the river full of fish, could meet the demands and needs of this residential complex. The land in front of lent themselves to be grown with limited manpower: they cultivated vines, orchards and a high variety of legumes, cereals and all kinds of vegetables. Nowadays, there is no news to those who belonged to this Villa, the latter being on the border between the Samnites and Frentani. However, given the finds and the size of the villa, if you are referring to the walls that have emerged in the years when they were building the road Ripaltina, is thought to be inhabited by an important personality, because within the structure had to be there at a spa room. In the postwar period, working the fields with mechanical means going deeper, were brought to light many Roman tombs, some of which were in ampoules, lamps and kitchen utensils. All these items, except for a few objects that landowners keep their homes, were destroyed under the tracks of tractors, some s'ignorava because their presence, some because they believed that these items had belonged to the deceased and therefore do not return home for fear of spirits.

Anthony was an Egyptian hermit, considered the founder of Christian monasticism and the first of the abbots. He died Jan. 17 at the age of 107 years.
All those who have to do with the fire is placed under the patronage of St. Anthony, in honor of the story that he saw the saint go to hell even contend for the souls of sinners to the devil. Therefore, among the many patients who came to ask for grace and health, many were afflicted by the evil of burning, also known as' shingles' and corresponding to two different diseases: ergotism ', caused by a parasitic fungus grass, and herpes zoster, caused by the varicella-zoster.
Anthony, however, is considered the protector of pets, so that he usually portrayed with a pig that goes next to the neck a little bell. On January 17, the Church traditionally blesses the animals and stables placing them under the protection of the saint.
The tradition stems from the fact that the order of Antonians had obtained permission to raise pigs in the villages in the countryside as well as with the fat of these animals was preparing a medicinal balm to anoint the sick affected by the fire of Sant ' Antonio or 'sacred fire'. The pigs were fed at the expense of the community and circulated freely in the country with a bell around his neck.
For the peasant culture of the festival opens on January 17 year cycle which indicates the work to be done and the work to be carried out in the countryside. The Saint's day continues to be a "day of fire". In small villages the people preparing huge piles of wood ('focaracci') which, lit, illuminating glimpses illuminate streets and facades of palaces and churches in many villages of Abruzzo: "the fires of St. Anthony".
Feature is the festival that takes place in Collelongo (AQ) in the night between 16 and 17 January. The festival begins the evening of 16 to 18.00 with the lighting of the two "torches", torches oak towering over 5 meters, which will burn throughout the country notte.Contemporaneamente in special houses erected for the occasion with oranges and icons of the saint is placed on the fire "cottora", a huge pot in which it is put to boil the corn crop during the year. At night, those lucky enough to be invited by the country can enjoy some family around the table "pizza redhead", a pizza cooked in the ashes made from a dough of wheat flour and corn, topped with bacon sausage and cabbage passed back into the pan. At 21, a candlelight vigil with accordions and singers who sing the song of the saint accompanying the parish priest to bless the houses where, over the open fire, smoke all night the cottora. Anyone who enters the cottora, extends his greetings to the family that runs it and is offered wine, pottage, boiled maize seasoned with olive oil and chili, and desserts. Throughout the night, until morning, the country is led by people who sing, sounds and loops in cottora cottora. At five o'clock in the morning of 17, shooting announce the parade of the basins' rescagnate ", it's copper basins, once used to draw water at the source, which decorated with lights, small statues and scenes of peasant life, are brought parading from the country's youth dressed in traditional folk costumes of celebration. Mass begins at seven, and distributed the blessed corn boiled cottore for distribution of domestic animals. The festival will conclude the afternoon with the traditional folk games.
Also in Abruzzo, is to remember the evocation of "Lu Sant'Andonie" which takes place every year at Villa San Giovanni in Roscoe, in the countryside of Pescara. In the Saturday afternoon prior to January 17 in the churchyard of the parish church is once again the sacred paraliturgia for the blessing of the animals and products of the earth, while at night, in the main square, around a large fire of theater groups perform popular that recall the scenes of "The Temptation of St. Anthony", with songs and poems about the Holy dialect and rural traditions of the winter period. At the end, pork, sausages and wine for all participants. Still in Abruzzo, in Lettomanoppello is commemorated every year, "lu Sant'Andonije" which is a sacred representation of the saint's life and set to music composed by a poet lettese dialect (of Lettomanoppello), Prof. Gustavo De Rentiis, who died in 1994. This is a real sacred history (unlike other representations of Abruzzo sometimes goliardic) with the participation of the hermits of St. Anthony Abbot, two angels and two devils that after a few temptations to the hermits were driven to ' Hell, thanks to prayer. St. Anthony Abbot as a hermit and ascetic to wonder-worker, from 'doctor' a peasant saint, protector of animals. The pig, the fire bell, the Tau (the stick hermit characteristic of Anthony) ... symbols that tell of his long journey to the West.
The policeman Chiaffredo Bergia
The repression of banditry in the Valley of Trigno
The coat of arms of Sulmona is the old


At about 2 km from the town of Fraine, extends Vicenne Bosco, a natural setting of extraordinary beauty, to go through his beaten paths or hiking trails. Along these routes, the most significant tree species are oak, the manna-ash, hornbeam, hornbeam, the sycamore and oak. Among these branches is easy to see the woodpecker and the jay of the woods, doves and woodcock. But Bosco Vicenne is primarily a place full of history and mysticism. It is the realm of legends, the echoes of the raids of robbers, the tales handed down by the shepherds, and even the sacred appearances. Oral tradition is the voice coming from an oak forest that Madonna is revealed to shepherds making deaf mute healed miraculously. And it's the luck of this story under the branches of those same trees in the forest preserves an atmosphere of peace mystical country of the Sanctuary of Santa Maria Mater Domini, founded by the Benedictines. On May 31 of each year, the day of the Feast, the forest sees converge each year on lawns, in front of the small church, the inhabitants of the towns of Fraine, Castiglione Messer Marino, Carunchio and Roccaspinalveti.
But the forest also houses the Hermitage of San Domenico devotees, whose origin is related to the tale of another remarkable miracle. This time the hole is a hole in the woods you hear the voice of San Domenico, invoked by a farmer fell into a pit full of snakes. Escaped snakes to the intercession of the saint, the man gave a gift to the priest his property to build the church for the whole country and the local shepherds, who brought in those lands to pasture their flocks, they could find help and protection from Holy Healer and have shelter and solace in fatigue and loneliness due to the hard life of the shepherd.
Bosco Vicenne also boasts the presence of significant archaeological locations as alleged and Are Roman votive. The presence of archaeological material attests that perhaps this area was inhabited since ancient times and it is not inconceivable that the churches are not also the continuation of a pagan cult which later took form and Christian content.
Loggia Amblingh
On the promenade that runs along the eastern old town, starting from the gardens of Palazzo d'Avalos, Amblingh opens the Lodge, a beautiful balcony overlooking suspended between the bricks of the city steeped in history and the underlying campaign of olive, orange orchards and sloping towards the sea. From here, with a glance you can admire the beautiful gulf of Vasto gold, the hills of neighboring Molise, the Gargano Mountains and foothills of the Tremiti Islands.
The lodge is named after the Austrian William Amblingh of Graz, secretary of Michelangelo Cesare d'Avalos, a resident of Vasto in early eighteenth century.
The tall houses and narrow alleys of the Lodge has hosted for years fishermen, porters, descendants of marchesali squires or grooms who are engaged in coastal reconnaissance to spot the Turkish ships, we are in the Santa Maria that well represents the popular spirit of Vasto.
Continuing the walk you get to high house of Gabriele Rossetti, home to one of the municipal libraries. Around the house-walls of the Lodge Amblingh is later, the only remaining city gate of the medieval city, Porta Santa Maria, also known as "Chain Gate", with pointed arch surmounted by a graceful loggia. On the southern end, the highest point of the Lodge, you can see two large Roman cisterns are still intact, which demonstrate that abundant water was available to Vasto for a time, which, in hydraulic works, were the real masters.
Agnone: città d'arte

Noble Center located at 840 m., From old-growth churches rich portals dear, is where the eras overlap and merge into a smell of hard work. City coat of arms of medieval heraldry twice, deserved to be titled City Director, spoke to the world and speaks with the voice of Argentina's bronze bells, sweetens its bitter economic partner with the sugary sweetness of his sugared almonds and chocolates to curly white truffle. Agnone did in his character of "noble and gentle lady," the possibility of cordial reception, hospitality and invitation to every prompt return. Arriving in the Agnone is joyous glance through forests of fir and green meadows, stretches along a ridge stagliando against a backdrop of mountains, houses with balconies of wrought iron, stone buildings and a forest of towers . Since 2002 Agnone is Orange Flag, Eco-Tourism Environmental Italian hinterland.
The Presentosa: a
symbol of love

Jewel typical traditional goldsmith of Abruzzo. This jewel, became famous for his description of it in D'Annunzio's "Triumph of Death", has its origins almost certainly eighteenth century. Its shape 'typical', so called because most well known, is composed of a frame (or hull) of star-shaped, whose inner circular space is filled by coil made of read watermark or lanyard simple. At the center graced by two hearts, joined by a crescent reversed (symbols of love and happiness). The same jewel, however, was also produced with the classic motif variants, since every jeweler was looking to diversify his work, creating a style, as much as possible, personnel, or because he realized according to the taste and needs of the purchaser, enriching the medallion generally apotropaic symbolic content or specific.
This jewel of the young women received a promise of love, was a 'gift', a 'present' from which the definition of dialect 'presentenze' and subsequent 'presentosa'. The oldest places of production of this gem have been identified in Guardiagrele and Agnone. Other centers of production, over time, were the Aquila, Sulmona, Pescara and Scanno.
Refuge Guadolicia -
MINA ... trilly
the high mountain
A boundary between the Abruzzo and Molise and precisely in front of the directional arrows Agnone and Capracotta, there is a shelter in the province of Molise, managed and maintained by Mina called "Refuge Guadolicia." At 5 and 45 every day Mina raises the "curtain" of the small stage to 1088 meters, at the service of farmers, suppliers, workers who go out of there to go to work. A coffee, cappuccino, grappa and more, have a good morning of Mina ... but not only. Inside is a room with a fireplace and three tables with a window overlooking ... to the world. All caldo.All rustic style 'exterior is equipped to handle, when the weather permits, also offering the chance to make charcoal for those with few close friends, want to cook outdoors. But not all. Mina prepares a happy hour (which term does not fit in that environment) totally incomparable to that of the city. Own production of: ham, cheese, pizza with tomatoes, omelettes, all served with a flavorful white wine produced by his father. What can I say more .. Perhaps it becomes a place so frequented by having to change the pace and broaden the offer, or perhaps that might be the right alternative to bars and cafes in the area to walk, but she is required by the car or the horse or the mule and probably only know the answer bob invernale.La Mina. .... The curtain falls to 20.30.
TRADE OF THE SNOW: an ancient allowing huge profits.

The foothills of the Maiella mountain towns and represented the area of greatest intensity for the collection and storage of snow. The product was collected and stored in the "neviere" (deposits) to be sold in the localities of the Adriatic coast. Among the acts of "parliament Theatine" (legislative body of 1600) is deduced news on trade of snow in Abruzzo Citra (the province of Chieti by then). Some resolutions related to the approval of the lease by the Commerce Committee of the snow which administrative body of the time. These decisions required that a portion of the proceeds be applied to cover the expense of the city of Chieti. In 1661 the contract underwent a reform of the snow that is reported in the original language: "It requires a demanding jus (the right of recovery) for each of six pugs body (a corpse = 275 liters) of snow and the remains of the snow has to be dozens of twenty S'abba so as to pay all those people who want to bring snow in this city or this cavarla ".
In the second half of the 700 sales recorded a growth of snow especially in the military for medical use. The trade of snow, in this case, was subjected to a monopoly through the assignment of a deprivation to him that she was keen to sell the snow at the lowest price. With the proceeds of this policy were not in favor of the City. There were numerous cases of revocation of the contract of the snow by the City for reasons of poor performance by the contractor. In 1761, following protests on the reliability of trade management of snow, the Snow Chief of the Royal City of Chieti, decided to proceed with a tender with the system of 'virgin candle'. (With this method the available time was measured from the combustion of three intact candles, lighted in succession: the third candle was extinguished when the spell was decided, and it proceeded posting a "notice of pronounced Acting", which was made publicly known to the new contractor.) The contractor undertook to ensure a regular service, had he defaulted, the goods were seized. Even in this activity there were cases of theft of snow at the expense of tenants.
Pescara was an important place for the sale of the snow that was used in order to preserve not only the food but it was also used to prepare sherbets and drinks during the summer. This brilliant early work disappeared when they began to spread of 900 factories producing artificial ice.
Dogliola: Historical

Dogliola is situated on the banks of the river Trigno. The first documentary attestation of the country is 1115, when the town was donated by a powerful family of Lombard origin abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Sant'Angelo in Crow. Despite the loss of many elements of the old town, including the parish church, formerly known as the Abbey of Santa Maria delle Grazie, which collapsed in late 1700, the town maintains its medieval walls in houses and arcades.
In 1805 was built the new church dedicated to San Rocco, in a modern style, with a single nave, with the ceiling decorated with four paintings by Nicholas Sigismondi. The façade design eighteenth century, is adorned by a large window from the portal and carved stone, which works by masters of Molise found permanent residence in this town. The church serves as a gathering place and reference point for the community. The patron saint San Rocco falls on June 20, close to harvest, and during the festivities, wagons and tractors are adorned with bundles of wheat.
Even in Dogliola, as in other towns of Vasto, predominate among the typical cured meats, such as ventricina and brawn, with dishes such as meatballs with cheese and eggs.
stone of shame of the folk tradition of Abruzzo: Lu Tummere

Roccaraso and Pescara when you want to emphasize that a certain person is in bad economic conditions, it still says today that it has misse asses lu Tummere (put your ass on tomolo). The word derives from the dialect Tummo tomolo and indicates not only a measure of land area, corresponding to square meters. 2,700, but also - and this is what home care - a measure of capacity for grain, especially wheat, equivalent to about 44 kg.
Lu Tummere was of stone and its shape is reminiscent of some ancient mortars where you grind salt and spices, and which today are much sought for the rustic decor, or for use as an ornament in modern apartments.
A Roccaraso Abruzzo and other centers exist in a kind of public Tummere which measured the amount of grain on loan and on return had to be measured even in the same
container, with the addition of a certain quantity of the same grain as interest. The function of this vessel was probably to be a fixed point of reference in a regulated economy, often by barter, thus obviating the changing regulations in the conveyancing and the depreciation of the currency. Not always, however, who had borrowed a certain amount of grain, measured at Tummere was able to be able to return, especially after the devastation of the crop by the weather or drought. The creditor then had two options to recover from the damage: the normal routes of appeal to justice or revenge in a somewhat unusual. In fact, in the day and hour previously communicated to the debtor, the latter forced to go to the place where was situated the Tummo and sat for some time with her ass totally naked, so exposed to the biting jokes or pity passers-by.
Lu Tummere Roccaraso was destroyed in the aftermath of World War II. One well-preserved and perhaps similar to that of Roccaraso can still be admired today in Pacentro (AQ). At the stone of shame Pescara is situated at the foot of the steps of the church of Santa Maria del Colle and in 1966 he revived the local tourist tourists to enjoy the scene of Tummere, which shows variations in the local tradition worthy of note. Here, indeed, who had many debts and could not pay, he went to the High Mass celebrated in this church on Sunday and after the blessing hurriedly descended the staircase, at whose feet lies the Tummere as has been said, and will drop down your pants remained seated until the last faithful had not left the church. He thus exposed himself voluntarily to the pillory, but by that time had no debts. In fact, the creditors, by ancient custom, they could no longer prosecute, a sort of code of honor respected by both parties. . This ancient legal tradition prevailed, according to some authors, even in Vasto (where there is still the Piazzetta of tomolo) and Ortona.
Lu Tummere was a very popular legal practice known in the Abruzzo region and perhaps still in force in the seventeenth century.
– Historique

Certaines sources affirment que le village a été fondé au XVIe siècle par son
seigneur féodal, Alfonso Caracciolo, prince de San Buono et baron de
Casalbordino. Un autre argument a son origine dans une colonie de Schiavoni,
avec trois embarcations de fortune a atterri à l'embouchure de la rivière
Osento. La répression turque qui a fait rage à travers la péninsule des
Balkans, en fait contraint un grand nombre de personnes à la recherche de
terres plus hospitalières.
Caractéristiques de l'ancien village sont les maisons, quelques embellies avec
des inscriptions XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, et reliés par des arcades, des
patios, les atriums et les escaliers extérieurs, appelés "brancantelli", ainsi
que de véritables lieux de services sociaux. Piazza Roma se trouve l'église de
Santa Maria della Neve, de style baroque. Villalfosina est aussi, avant tout,
un site de grand intérêt archéologique dans la découverte de nombreuses
découvertes dans le domaine de Morandi, à environ 500 mètres du centre-ville,
aujourd'hui exposée au Musée de Chieti et en partie à Vasto. Les fouilles ont
exhumé une nécropole de 24 tombes, les ruines d'un temple italique et un
village de huttes avec des fonds, ce qui reflète le règlement d'une ancienne
tribu Frentana.

The power of the people of Abruzzo, until the beginning of 900, consisted of
legumes, corn, wheat, vegetables and homemade pasta (sagne). Rarely was
consumed meat, mostly chicken and pork. The Panarda an important page in the
history of the folk traditions of Abruzzo and embraces a cultural pattern that
goes from the devotional, religious to socio-economic, psychological. Perhaps
the etymology of the word comes from the words bread and lard, the fact is,
however, that the Panarda consisted of a gargantuan banquet where a huge amount
of food consumed was considered rare and valuable, up to 50 courses: appetizers
, chicken soups, pies, pies (the great "Calle del boiled"), roast meats,
vegetables, cheeses, meats, fruits and sweets. A veritable orgy of food, whose
anniversary was on January 17 in the devotional function of the Santo Antonio
Abate, a holiday that coincided with the time of the killing of the pig and not
only is the most propitious moment was also the year in which handouts of the
farm houses were full of valuable assets: the wheat harvest, the harvest. In
these festivities was customary for wealthy families offered a banquet to the
poorest class, who for a long moment, forgot his usual misery. From a
psychological point of view, this celebration of food was, in the peasant
culture, a time when you loosened the tension accumulated in waiting for the
harvest that ensured their survival and also was a tribute to the patron saint
asking for the blessing of the new crop year . The improved economic conditions
that occurred after the Second World War, have extended the concept of Panarda,
intended as a display of wealth through the presentation of several courses.
This hat cognitive stress how important it is to revive and re-evaluate the
historical tradition dishes and menus Abruzzese cuisine. Many companies have
introduced the issue of sectoral Panarda in tourist industry due to the
fundamental role of the Hotel Villa Santa Maria, who works as a permanent
laboratory for study, research and innovation. Partners of the Hotel is a
prestigious Italian Academy of Cuisine, which has made its contribution to the
palate, dishes of gargantuan feast. Among the Panarda "historical" is worth
remembering one of the end of the 800 given by a gentleman in honor of
Scarfoglio , D'Annunzio, evening, Michetti,Melocchi and other prominent guests
abruzzesi and
napoletani.Il banquet was composed of 28 courses and each
course was greeted with a salvo of cannon, the dishes were numerous and
substantial, and therefore the "guardian of Panarda", armed with a rifle, he
controlled all ate everything with ominous phrase "or magnetic spare you!" It
was all a funny joke. The year 1994 was the year that has been revived for the
first time, the Panarda Hospitality Institute of Villa Santa Maria educational
and cultural purposes. The event was televised regionally and nationally, by
RAI International, Channel 5 and cooks Villesi Canada, Australia and the U.S.
bombarded with phone calls, the Institute Alberghiero.Fu recreated the
environment of the end 800 with costumes and music and could not miss the
presence of the "keeper Panarda" ... armed with a rifle discharge, and the
salvo of cannon was replaced by a drum roll and the yield of one of the
participants came to the banquet songs to cry ... a traitor. The courses were
served 51. There is more to tell, but I will stop here with a description,
which can not fail, resulting in the Abruzzo Panarda strictly slender eight
starters, five soup in beef broth, four courses of boiled meat, fat six
starters, a decoction Hot herbal Majella, four soups, eight courses of roast
meat, vegetables in season five, five cheeses, four desserts in Val di Sangro,
garlic noodles, and finally, new oil and diavolicchio in abundance. Panarda ...
The exaltation of the food itself that celebrates the labor of man, not even
Christian values glorifies and honors Saint Anthony, patron saint of domestic
I warmly thank Kaos ... .. the goblin gourmet chef sommelier ... .... ...
Prof. Carlo Miscischia for introducing me to the source from which I drew
this spectacular tradition of the Abruzzo and indirectly Prof.Antonio
Stanziani author of the book and teacher and chef of the Hotel Villa SantaMaria
and author of numerous publications, historical and gastronomic.
(Traduzione G.Amitrano)
course was greeted with a salvo of cannon, the dishes were numerous and
substantial, and therefore the "guardian of Panarda", armed with a rifle, he
controlled all ate everything with ominous phrase "or magnetic spare you!" It
was all a funny joke. The year 1994 was the year that has been revived for the
first time, the Panarda Hospitality Institute of Villa Santa Maria educational
and cultural purposes. The event was televised regionally and nationally, by
RAI International, Channel 5 and cooks Villesi Canada, Australia and the U.S.
bombarded with phone calls, the Institute Alberghiero.Fu recreated the
environment of the end 800 with costumes and music and could not miss the
presence of the "keeper Panarda" ... armed with a rifle discharge, and the
salvo of cannon was replaced by a drum roll and the yield of one of the
participants came to the banquet songs to cry ... a traitor. The courses were
served 51. There is more to tell, but I will stop here with a description,
which can not fail, resulting in the Abruzzo Panarda strictly slender eight
starters, five soup in beef broth, four courses of boiled meat, fat six
starters, a decoction Hot herbal Majella, four soups, eight courses of roast
meat, vegetables in season five, five cheeses, four desserts in Val di Sangro,
garlic noodles, and finally, new oil and diavolicchio in abundance. Panarda ...
The exaltation of the food itself that celebrates the labor of man, not even
Christian values glorifies and honors Saint Anthony, patron saint of domestic
I warmly thank Kaos ... .. the goblin gourmet chef sommelier ... .... ...
Prof. Carlo Miscischia for introducing me to the source from which I drew
this spectacular tradition of the Abruzzo and indirectly Prof.Antonio
Stanziani author of the book and teacher and chef of the Hotel Villa SantaMaria
and author of numerous publications, historical and gastronomic.
(Traduzione G.Amitrano)
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